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Flair is a Python library developed by Zalando Research that stands out as a notably user-friendly NLP framework. Flair NLP provides intuitive interfaces with exceptional multilingual embeddings, especially for various multilingual embedding frameworks like GloVe and transformer-based models on Hugging Face.

flaiR Installation

System Requirements:

  • Python >= 3.9
  • R >= 4.2.0
  • Rstudio

Option 1: Fast Install flaiR and Python with reticulate

  1. Install Python automatically through R reticulate:
# Install and load reticulate package
  1. Install Python 3.10 using reticulate:
install_python(version = "3.10")
  1. Verify the Python installation and see which version is being used:
py_config()  # Shows Python configuration details
  1. To install flaiR package:
remotes::install_github("davidycliao/flaiR", force = TRUE)
  1. Load the flaiR package (when the message is printed showing the corresponding flair NLP python version, it indicates successful attachment of Flair NLP python to your R):
#> flaiR: An R Wrapper for Accessing Flair NLP 0.13.1

Option 2: Docker Setup

The Docker image (12.5GB) includes a complete R/Python development environment with RStudio Server + R environments and Python 3.9 with flair NLP and its dependencies (PyTorch, models).

Please ensure your system meets these requirements:

  • At least 15GB of free disk space
  • Minimum 16GB RAM recommended
  • Stable internet connection for initial download
  • Docker installed and running

Intel/AMD Processors:

# Pull and run
docker pull
docker run -d \
  -p 8787:8787 \
  --user root \
  -e USER=rstudio \
  -e PASSWORD=rstudio123 \
  --name flair-rstudio \

Apple Silicon (M1 Series MacOS):

# Pull and run with platform specification
docker pull --platform linux/amd64
docker run -d \
  -p 8787:8787 \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  --user root \
  -e USER=rstudio \         
  -e PASSWORD=rstudio123 \
  --name flair-rstudio \

Access RStudio Server:

Troubleshooting Guide

The flaiR will:

  • Automatically check Python environment
  • Install required Python packages (flair and its dependencies)
  • Configure the Python-R connection
remotes::install_github("davidycliao/flaiR", force = TRUE)

Installation typically proceeds automatically with RStudio and R handling dependencies. However, users (particularly those with Mac ARM64 systems) may encounter compilation issues. Here’s a comprehensive guide to resolve common problems:

Mac M1/M2/M3 (Apple Silicon) Specific Setup

  1. Architecture Options
  • Requires specific compiler setup
  • May encounter additional compatibility issues
  1. Native ARM64 Version
  • Requires specific compiler setup
  • May encounter additional compatibility issues

Compiler Setup for ARM64 Systems

Required Steps:

  1. Download GNU Fortran from

  2. For R 4.3.0+:

Automatic Dependencies (Python)

flaiR R package will automatically install the following Python packages during setup:

Core Dependencies - Python (3.9 or 3.10 recommended) - flair[word-embeddings] (>=0.11.3) - numpy (>=1.22.4, <1.29.0) - PyTorch (>=2.0.0, <2.6.0) - scipy (==1.12.0)

Additional Dependencies - gensim (>=4.3.2) - transformers (>=4.30.0) - sentencepiece (>=0.1.99) - bpemb (>=0.3.5)

All other required dependencies will be automatically handled during the installation process. You can manage Python settings in RStudio through Tools -> Global Options -> Python.

To check your Python configuration, use:


For stable usage, we strongly recommend installing these specific versions.

OS R Versions Python Version
Mac 4.3.2, 4.2.0, 4.2.1* 3.10.x, 3.9
Windows 4.0.5, Latest 3.10.x, 3.9
Ubuntu 4.3.2, 4.2.0, 4.2.1 3.10.x, 3.9

R Version Requirements

The flaiR package has specific R version requirements based on Matrix package compatibility:

  • R 4.5.0+: Matrix 1.7-0 or newer
  • R 4.4.x: Matrix 1.6-x
  • R 4.3.x: Matrix 1.5-1
  • R 4.2.x: Matrix 1.4-1

*: On R 4.2.1, particularly when using the Matrix package on ARM 64 architecture Macs (M1/M2), compatibility issues with gfortran may occur. It’s recommended to avoid this combination.


If you encounter any problems or have questions:

Troubleshooting for Docker

  1. If you encounter any issues:
# Try using a different port (e.g., 8788)
docker run -d \
  -p 8788:8787 \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  --user root \
  --name flair-rstudio \

Then access via http://localhost:8788

  1. Container already exists:
# Remove existing container
docker stop flair-rstudio
docker rm flair-rstudio

Then retry the run command.

  1. Check container status:
# View running containers
docker ps
# View all containers including stopped ones
docker ps -a
# View container logs
docker logs flair-rstudio

NLP Tasks

For R users, flairR extends FlairNLP with three NLP task functions to extract features in a neat format with data.table. Through these featured functions, you don’t have to write loops to format parsed output on your own. The main features include part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition and sentiment analysis. Additionally, to handle the load on RAM when dealing with larger corpora, flairR supports batch processing to handle texts in batches, which is especially useful when dealing with large datasets, to optimize memory usage and performance.

Core Featured Functions Loader Supported Models from Flair NLP
get_entities() load_tagger_ner() en (English), fr (French), da (Danish), nl (Dutch), and more.
get_pos() load_tagger_pos() pos (English POS), fr-pos (French POS), de-pos (German POS), nl-pos (Dutch POS), and more.


Training and Fine-tuning

In flairR, we use the simplest S3 method to wrap major modules. All modules will work like R6 in the R environment when loaded from Flair NLP. In Python, both functions and methods (sometimes referred to as functions in R) within a class can be accessed using the $ operator. For example, from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer in Python is equivalent to ModelTrainer <- flair_trainers()$ModelTrainer in R environment with flairR.

Wrapped Flair NLP Modules with S3 Corresponding Code Practices When Loading Modules from FlairNLP
flair_datasets() from flair.datasets import *
flair_nn() from flair.nn import *
flair_splitter() from flair.splitter import *
flair_trainers() from flair.trainers import *
flair_models() from flair.models import *