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A function to interface with the Python flair.splitter module. This function provides access to various sentence splitting strategies implemented in the Flair library:

  • NoSentenceSplitter: Treats the entire text as a single sentence without splitting it.

  • SegtokSentenceSplitter: Uses the segtok library to split text into sentences.

  • SpacySentenceSplitter: Uses the spaCy library for sentence splitting.

  • TagSentenceSplitter: Assumes specific tags in the text to indicate sentence boundaries.




A Python module (flair.splitter).


Python reference for SegtokSentenceSplitter:

from flair.splitter import *

Additional references for the other classes can be found within the Flair library documentation. Flair GitHub


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
SegtokSentenceSplitter <- flair_splitter$SegtokSentenceSplitter()
text <- "I am Taiwanese and come from Taiwan"
sentences <- splitter$split(text)
} # }