Training Data from : The Temporal Focus of Campaign Communication (2020 JOP)
The replication data is sourced from "The Temporal Focus of Campaign Communication," authored by Stefan Müller, and was published in the Journal of Politics in 2022. This study primarily delves into the temporal emphasis of party manifestos. The dataset encompasses 5,858 annotated data entries from countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Its central objective is to compute the percentage of sentences or quasi-sentences referring to the past, present, or future. This differentiation is made based on two categories: "Prospective" and "Retrospective".
A data frame with 7 variables:
- text
Content of the text.
- sentence_id
Unique identifier for each sentence.
- countryname
Country's name.
- party
Associated political party of the text.
- date
Date of the record.
- class
Type or classification.
- class_pro_retro
Classification as either 'Prospective' or 'Retrospective'.
Data provided by the author and https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/7NP2XH