2025 Catalysts for Progress? Mapping Policy Insights from Energy Research. Energy Research & Social Science (forthcoming). (with Brian Boyle,
Stefan Müller, Sarah King and Robin Rauner)
2025 官僚「再詮釋」領導人意識形態初探:以《人民日報》習近平外交思想的評論為例 (Bureaucratic ‘Reinterpretation’ of Leaders’ Ideologies: A Case Study of People’s Daily’s Commentary on Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy). 中國大陸研究 Mainland China Studies (forthcoming). (with Yi-Nung Tsai)
2024 (Mis)perception of Party-voter Congruence and Satisfaction with Democracy. Political Science Research and Methods. (with Royce Carroll and Li Tang)
2024 Electoral Reform and Fragmented Polarization: New Evidence from Taiwan Legislative Roll Call. Legislative Studies Quarterly.
2023 The Role of Rituals in Adversarial Parliaments: An Analysis of Expressions of Collegiality in the British House of Commons. Historical Social Research. 48 (3): 209-234. (with David Beck and Thomas Saalfeld)
2015 The Rationale for Supporting Nuclear Power: Analysis of Taiwanese Public Opinion Survey. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific.
15 (1): 147-176. (with Xiaochen Su, Chung-li Wu, Tai-De Lee, and Chen Tsao)
Under Review
- Electoral Reform and Geographically-Targeted Oversight: Evidence from Taiwan Legislative Yuan. (with Li Tang) Revise and Resubmit
- Estimating Factions of Red Guard under Mao’s China: A Slogan-based Text Scaling Method with Historical Documents. (with Yi-Nung Tsai) [PDF]
Working Papers
Pre-analysis Plan: “Who Believes and Shares Fake News: A Multi-Agentic System for Experimental Misinformation Research with Large Language Models”. (with Linette Lim and Slava Jankin)
Selecting and Validating Classifiers for Multilingual and Cross-Domain Stance Detection. (with Stefan Müller)
From Legislators to Mayors: Political Career Paths and Distributive Politics in Taiwan
- Grandstanding under the Spotlight: Unveiling Elites Crisis Communication in the Council of the European Union. (with James Cross and Paula Montano)
How Electoral Systems Shape Policy Attention Proximity: Evidence from Taiwan’s Ministerial Interpellations. (with Yu-Ceng Liao and Yi-ting Wang)
Dynamic and Multi-lingual Embedding Inference for Political Text. (with Winnie Xia and Slava Jankin)
Measuring Elite Loyalty and Political Cleavages in Maoist China. (with Yi-Nung Tsai)
Topic-Based Text Segmentation for Political Transcripts. (with Pei-Hsun Hsieh)
Game-Theoretic Multi-Agent System with LLMs for International Crisis Negotiations and Simulation. (with Shuli Zhang)
Climate Change and Public Perceptions of Institutional Compliance: A Multidimensional Scaling Approach to Cross-National Analysis. (with Wangyin Zhao and Yi-Nung Tsai)
Multi-Dimensional Policy Congruence and Political Attitudes. ( with Royce Carroll and Li Tang)
Documentation and Report
- Flair NLP and flaiR for Social Science with R. (with Sohini Timbadia)
- legisTaiwan : R Pacakge for Data Analysis and Applications with Taiwan Legislative Yuan API.
(with Shaka Y.J. Li)