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Parliamentary activities such as debates and written parliamentary questions, play a significant role in most parliamentary democracies. For example, the floor debate functions as a major platform for Members of Parliament (MPs) to uncover information and discussion regarding government policy, proposed new laws and topical issues of the day.

Interpellation and Debates

  • get_parlquestions(): parliamentary questions asked by the legislators 提供議事日程本院委員之質詢事項資訊 (自第8屆)

  • get_meetings(): spoken meeting records 委員發言

  • get_caucus_meetings(): the meeting records of cross-caucus session 提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆)

  • get_executive_response(): questions answered by the executives提供公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊 (自第8屆)

  • get_public_debates(): public debates 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見自 (自第8屆)

  • get_speech_video(): full video information of meetings and committees 提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆)

Bill and Budget

  • get_committee_record(): the records of reviewed items in the committees 提供委員會會議審查之議案項目 (自第8屆)

  • get_bills(): the records of the bills 法律提案 (能取得最早日不詳,待檢查)

  • get_bills_2(): the records of legislators and the government bill proposals 提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊 (自第8屆)

  • passed_legislation(): legislation and information passed on the third reading 提供公報院會紀錄之三讀通過議案資訊。(自第8屆第1會期起) coming soon
