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Fetching Caucus Meeting Data

First, load the package:

#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found
#> ## legisTaiwan                                            ##
#> ## An R package connecting to the Taiwan Legislative API. ##

Now, let’s retrieve caucus meeting records. Note the special date format required:

caucus_df <- get_caucus_meetings(
    start_date = "111/09/23", 
    end_date = "112/01/19", 
    verbose = FALSE

Important notes about date formatting:

  • Dates must be in ROC calendar format
  • Format required: “YYY/MM/DD” (with slashes)
  • This differs from the format used in get_bills()
  • Format standardization is planned for version 0.2+

View the retrieved data:

#> # A tibble: 43 × 15
#>    comYear comVolume comBookId term  sessionPeriod sessionTimes
#>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <chr> <chr>         <chr>       
#>  1 103     43        ""      08    05            12          
#>  2 103     43        ""      08    05            12          
#>  3 111     101       ""      null  null          null        
#>  4 111     104       ""        10    06            08          
#>  5 111     104       ""        10    06            08          
#>  6 111     105       ""      null  null          null        
#>  7 111     107       ""        null  null          null        
#>  8 111     114       ""      null  null          null        
#>  9 111     86        ""        10    06            01          
#> 10 111     87        ""        10    06            02          
#> # ℹ 33 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: meetingTimes <chr>, meetingDate <chr>,
#> #   meetingName <chr>, subject <chr>, pageStart <chr>, pageEnd <chr>,
#> #   docUrl <chr>, htmlUrl <chr>, selectTerm <chr>

The returned data includes comprehensive information about caucus meetings, such as:

  • Meeting dates and times
  • Participating party caucuses
  • Meeting agendas and topics
  • Attendance records
  • Meeting outcomes and decisions

The docUrl field provides direct access to the original caucus meeting minutes and documentation. This URL links to the official Legislative Yuan’s repository where researchers and the public can view detailed records of caucus deliberations.

caucus_df$data[c("subject", "docUrl")]
#> # A tibble: 43 × 2
#>    subject                                                          docUrl
#>    <chr>                                                            <chr> 
#>  1 (一)行政院函請審議「運動彩券發行條例部分條文修正草案」;(二)委員蔣乃辛等29人擬具「運動彩券發行條例第十三條及第二十三條條… https…
#>  2 行政院函請審議「植物防疫檢疫法部分條文修正草案」案               https…
#>  3 一、本院社會福利及衛生環境委員會報告併案審查行政院函請審議「精神衛生法修正草案」、委員王婉諭等17人擬具「精神衛生法修正草案」… https…
#>  4 一、本院社會福利及衛生環境委員會報告併案審查行政院函請審議「精神衛生法修正草案」、委員王婉諭等17人擬具「精神衛生法修正草案」… https…
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#> # ℹ 33 more rows