
Welcome! My name is Yen-Chieh (aka David) Liao. I am currently a Research Fellow focusing on NLP and Generative AI applications in political science at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Government (CAIG) and the School of Government at the University of Birmingham. Before joining Birmingham, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin and a pre-doctoral fellow at the Chair of Comparative Politics at the University of Bamberg.

I received my PhD in Politics from the University of Essex in 2023, with research focusing on Taiwan electoral reform, pork barrel, and municipal politics using ideal point estimation and NLP methods. My research was supervised by Akitaka Matsuo, Nicole Baerg and Royce Carroll, and the dissertation was supported by the Legislative Studies and Comparative Politics Scholarship from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (2017-2022) and the Taiwan TOP Research Grant (2022-2023). Prior to this, I obtained both BA and MA degrees in Public Administration & Policy from National Taipei University in Taiwan.

My research primarily focuses on legislative studies, political behavior, political institutions, and Taiwan politics, with a particular emphasis on the political contexts of East Asia. Methodologically, I am especially interested in measuring ideological preferences and political stances using quantitative and computational methods through legislative voting, surveys, and the analysis of parliamentary speeches and political texts. My recent work involves quantitative text analysis and computational methods to better understand the political behavior narratives of elites and their impact on citizen preferences, public attitudes, and future expectations.

Embiyax Su Hug (太魯閣族語 Hello),

嗨!我是廖彥傑,出身於靠近太魯閣的秀林部落。目前在伯明翰大學擔任研究員職位,主要在政府人工智能中心和政府學院工作,專注研究自然語言處理和AI在政治學的應用。 在此之前,我於2023-2024年在都柏林大學擔任博士後研究,於2022-2023年在德國班貝格大學擔任博士級研究助理。2023年1月,我從英國埃塞克斯大學取得政治學博士學位。我的博士研究聚焦於台灣的選舉改革、分配(肉桶)政治和地方政治,運用了多種數據分析和文本分析方法。在博士班期間,我很幸運地獲得了台灣教育部的獎學金和國科會補助人文及社會科學研究海外人才博士候選人撰寫計劃。

在攻讀博士之前,我在國立臺北大學完成了公共行政與政策的學士和碩士學位。在碩士求學階段,關注台灣原住民族群政治、大族政治、資源分配與競爭等議題。 我現在研究重點主要放在立法研究、政治行為、政治制度和台灣政治上,特別關注東亞的政治環境。我近期研究方向是運用文本分析方法,探討政治精英的言論如何影響選民的看法、公眾態度以及對未來的期望。