Retrieves comprehensive information for a specific legislator from the Legislative Yuan API. This includes personal details, committee assignments, educational background, and work experience.
- term
integer. Required. The legislative term number (e.g., 9)
- name
string. Required. The legislator's name in Chinese (e.g., "王金平")
- page
integer. Page number for pagination (default: 1)
- limit
integer. Number of records per page (default: 20)
- show_progress
logical. Whether to display progress information (default: TRUE)
A list containing two components:
- metadata
A list containing pagination information:
- total
Total number of bills
- total_page
Total number of pages
- current_page
Current page number
- per_page
Number of records per page
- bills
A data frame containing bill information:
- billNo
Bill number
- 議案名稱
Bill name
- 提案單位
Proposing unit/legislator
- 議案狀態
Bill status
- 議案類別
Bill type
- 提案來源
Bill source
- meet_id
Meeting ID
- 會期
Session number
- 字號
Reference number
- 提案編號
Proposal number
- 屆期
Legislative term
- mtime
Last modified time
API Details
The function accesses the Legislative Yuan's open data API. The API endpoint
format is:{term}/{name}/propose_bill
Data Usage
The returned data can be used for:
- Analysis
Analyzing legislator's bill proposal patterns
- Tracking
Tracking bill status and progress
- Research
Studying legislative priorities
- Policy
Conducting policy research
See also
- get_ly_legislators_by_term
for listing all legislators in a term- get_ly_legislator_detail
for detailed legislator information
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get bills for a specific legislator
bills <- get_ly_legislator_bills(
term = 9,
name = "王金平",
limit = 10
# Get second page of bills
bills_page2 <- get_ly_legislator_bills(
term = 9,
name = "王金平",
page = 2,
limit = 20
# Display summary statistics
"Total Bills: %d\nCurrent Page: %d\nBills per page: %d\n",
} # }