Get Legislative Yuan Interpellation Records 取得立法院質詢紀錄
Fetches and parses interpellation records from the Legislative Yuan API. Supports filtering by legislator, term, session and keyword search. Returns structured data including metadata and detailed interpellation records.
page = 1,
limit = 20,
legislator = NULL,
term = NULL,
session_period = NULL,
session_times = NULL,
meet_id = NULL,
query = NULL,
show_progress = TRUE
- page
An integer specifying the page number (default: 1)
- limit
An integer specifying the number of records per page (default: 20)
- legislator
A string specifying the legislator's name
- term
An integer specifying the legislative term number
- session_period
An integer specifying the session period
- session_times
An integer specifying the session times
- meet_id
A string specifying the meeting ID (e.g., "院會-9-2-1")
- query
A string to search in interpellation reasons or content
- show_progress
A logical value indicating whether to show progress bar (default: TRUE)
A list with two components:
- metadata
A list containing pagination and filter information:
- total
Total number of records found
- total_page
Total number of pages
- current_page
Current page number
- per_page
Number of records per page
- filters_used
List of filters applied
- interpellations
A data frame containing interpellation records:
- id
Interpellation ID
- printed_at
Date when printed
- reason
Interpellation reason
- description
Detailed content
- legislators
Comma-separated list of legislators
- meet_id
Meeting ID
- term
Legislative term
- sessionPeriod
Session period
- sessionTimes
Session times
- ppg_url
URL to the parliamentary record
See also for API documentation
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get interpellations by legislator
zhao_records <- get_ly_interpellations(
legislator = "趙天麟",
limit = 5
# Get interpellations for specific term and session
session_records <- get_ly_interpellations(
term = 9,
session_period = 2,
session_times = 1
# Search interpellations by keyword
search_results <- get_ly_interpellations(
query = "氫能",
page = 1,
limit = 20
# View results
print(paste("Total records:", search_results$metadata$total))
} # }