Generates a comprehensive summary report of Legislative Yuan statistics, including legislator counts, gazette information, and video records data. Presents the information in a formatted text output.
- stats
A list containing Legislative Yuan statistics with the following structure:
- legislator
A list containing legislator information:
- total
Total historical number of legislators
- terms
Data frame of legislator counts by term
- gazette
A list containing gazette information:
- total
Total number of gazettes
- agenda_total
Total number of agendas
- last_meeting
Date of the last meeting
- ivod
A list containing video information:
- total
Total number of video records
- date_range
List containing start and end dates of video archives
A formatted report containing the following sections:
- Bill Statistics
- Total Bills
Total number of bills
- Last Update
Most recent bill update date
- Legislator Statistics
- Total Count
Historical total of legislators
- Term Distribution
Legislator counts by term
- Gazette Statistics
- Total Counts
Numbers of gazettes and agendas
- Latest Activity
Most recent meeting date
- Video Statistics
- Total Videos
Number of video records
- Coverage Period
Time span of video archives
See also
- analyze_bills
For detailed bill analysis
- analyze_meetings
For meeting statistics analysis
- analyze_ivod
For video records analysis
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Generate full statistics report
stats <- get_ly_stat()
# View specific sections
stats <- get_ly_stat()
cat("\nBill Statistics:\n")
cat(sprintf("Total Bills: %d\n", stats$bill$total))
cat("\nLegislator Statistics:\n")
cat(sprintf("Total Legislators: %d\n", stats$legislator$total))
} # }