Analyzes and visualizes video records (IVOD - Internet Video on Demand) statistics from the Legislative Yuan, including video counts by term, daily averages, and time period coverage.
- stats
A list containing Legislative Yuan statistics with the following structure:
- ivod
A list containing:
- total
Total number of video records
- date_range
A list containing:
- start
Start date of video archive
- end
End date of video archive
- terms
Data frame with columns:
- term
Legislative term number
- count
Number of videos in that term
- start_date
Start date of term
- end_date
End date of term
A list containing:
- plot
A ggplot object showing video count distribution by term
- summary
A data frame with video statistics including:
- term
Term number
- count
Video count
- start_date_fmt
Formatted start date
- end_date_fmt
Formatted end date
- period_days
Duration in days
- avg_daily_videos
Average videos per day